One thing about financial struggles is that it doesnt differentiate between gender, race, religion or societal class. Every woman in her own way has experienced a financial struggle in her life. Some women are still experiencing financial struggle in their lives. Some women have created an atmosphere of belief for people to be impressed with the kind of lifestyle they have chosen for themselves.


Financial struggles happens to be a subject that is rarely discussed within the society but thanks to the positive impact of social media, some women have made it a passion to talk about personal finances and how successful their journey has been. Women who follow some financial advisers don't get to see only the results of the financial journey of these individuals but rather the process involved in achieving their financial goals.


However, women are known to be better managers in terms of finances but with the recent global pandemic, there have been various setbacks in terms of business and personal finance. Some women with their in-depth knowledge in finance and writing skills have put in the effort to help other women progress gradually in their personal finances. Lets take a look at some of these women who are making a difference in the financial world.




Dasha Kennedy is a millennial financial coach who has used the digital space to help women of color to take control of their financial journey. The Broke Black girl is a platform where black women get to learn a lot about personal finances from building an emergency fund and also turning your passion into business. Dasha Kennedy has written powerful content such as How to survive being a broke friend to lessons she learned from her dad before his untimely death. She has not been ashamed of her own personal financial struggles instead; she has embraced it and shared her journey on financial success on Facebook. If you want to be empowered financially, then the brokeblackgirl.com is the right blog to get know more about finances.




It is one of the financial blogs that educate women on how to tackle finances by using various challenges to make it more exciting to participate. Kumiko Love, a certified financial coach has used her platform to educate most women around the world on tackling their finances by using strategies such as budgeting, saving enough for rainy day and creating a debt payoff plan. According to CNBC make it, Kumiko who is a single mom was able to payoff $77,281 in eight months and declared herself debt free in January 2019. The sole mission in the creation of the budget mom is to inspire women and people to live a life they love on a budget by the use of visual tools and goal worksheets.




Sara Wilson, is not a certified financial adviser but her enthusiasm about budgeting and paying off debt has encouraged her to document her financial journey on YouTube as the budget girl in Texas. She has being able to increase her income through side hustles. With her determination, she has ventured into real estate as a beginner and has learnt massively on how to become wealthy by living a frugal lifestyle.




If you live on a small income or one source of income is your only way to survive then, the broken wallet will be the perfect financial educational website to guide you through your financial journey as a woman. The Broken Wallet is to help women of today to simplify their personal finances and help them make smarter decisions with their money. The founder of the broken wallet knew she wanted to be a freelance writer but she never expected her writing will take a different turn until she applied for an assignment which led her to write more articles on personal finances.




The working class women are not left out of the financial game. Raya Reaves the founder of City Girl Savings has made a provision through visuals and blog post to educate and empower women on how to maintain their finances. She has decided to change the narrative specifically for working women to reach financial success through better budgeting, money management processes, money mindset shifts, debt payoff strategies and true spending accountability. With her in depth knowledge in finances, Raya has written a lot of financial articles including how to master your budget, reasons on why you need emergency fund and prioritizing your sinking funds and others.


These women have done amazingly well by sacrificing their time to dedicate themselves to help women from all walks of life to have a positive mindset about money. Every year has its own crisis but with the global pandemic it will be for the best to learn a lot about personal finances to improve your life.


TO BE 30