To all the widows around the world,


It may be that life was once a journey but as time went by, which was suddenly accompanied with death, the journey of life became a destiny in the eyes of the widows. The moment you realize that the one that you wanted to grow old with was no more with you. At that very moment questions about life began flooding into your minds like tidal waves. What actually happened to me? What at all did I do to deserve this? Why him? What will I tell the little ones? How am I supposed to live without him? All this questions are being asked by you without getting any answers. The comfort from your friends and families are not enough because some questions are left unanswered. No one will ever understand the heavy burden and the vacuum created in your hearts.


Living in the shadows of your sorrows wont bring back a loved one to life, but who understands the pain better than yourself. You will cry for a while but there is only one thing that the world needs to know and its only you who can bring out the beautiful reflections of your loved one. It is very sad and difficult to understand the loss of a loved one but if all the leaves of the tree fall off, it brings forth new leaves which makes the tree more beautiful, greener and refreshing. So as widows, what is it that you want the world to know about your dearest husband?


It may be that the world was searching for him, but it was only you who got the chance to be chosen by t him and he created beautiful memories with you. It is only those memories that can make your world beautiful and greener. It is those memories that can keep someone going through the journey of life. It is those memories that will give someone out there a light of hope of not giving up on themselves. It is those memories that will illuminate the beautiful sky of the young one who wants to know more about the father.


It is time to unlock the memories of your heart and paint that beautiful picture with your words. Let the whole world know how amazing that man was. This is not the time to be boggling your mind with questions that cant be answered. Let the world know the beautiful you and the amazing man you got married to and how he made your world incredible.


It is my prayer that after all the struggles that you have been through, God will strengthen you and grant you the peace of mind to grow gracefully in this world. The Chapter of widowhood will be dark for a while but with time it is up to you as a widow to turn the pages of dark to light.  


God be with you all.


TO BE 30