
Showing posts from January, 2021


  To all the widows around the world,   It may be that life was once a journey but as time went by, which was suddenly accompanied with death, the journey of life became a destiny in the eyes of the widows. The moment you realize that the one that you wanted to grow old with was no more with you. At that very moment questions about life began flooding into your minds like tidal waves. What actually happened to me? What at all did I do to deserve this? Why him? What will I tell the little ones? How am I supposed to live without him? All this questions are being asked by you without getting any answers. The comfort from your friends and families are not enough because some questions are left unanswered. No one will ever understand the heavy burden and the vacuum created in your hearts.   Living in the shadows of your sorrows won ’ t bring back a loved one to life, but who understands the pain better than yourself. You will cry for a while but there is only one thing...